Creative frustration


Ireland’s creative community got together to release a lot of pent up frustration through the medium of the A3 poster. A few ad creatives, designers, animators, directors and illustrators took time out to dress up their favourite “worst” feedback from clients, transforming quotes that would normally give you an aneurysm, into a diverse collection

of posters. Some of these might hit a little too close to home, but at the same time something we can all laugh about….. You can check out the rest of the collection here

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By:      18:13      

Bill Walton in the wild.


November means it’s basketball season once again and the unmistakable voice of Bill Walton on television. In his day, Walton always stood out on the court, but I had no idea he was so hip away from the game as well!

Recently I came across a great photo set on Cold Splinters, showing the more adventurous side of Bill Walton. His vintage camping gear, hiking boots and Grateful Dead shirt would right into any number of look books and style editorials this fall. Same as it ever was. I hope Walton still has that shirt in the back of his closet.

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By:      18:22      

Remember, remember…..


The 5th of November, The Gunpowder, Treason, and Plot. Yes, in the UK today it is Guy Fawkes Night, otherwise known as Bonfire Night, Fireworks Night, or by its original name Gunpowder Treason Day. I learned about the history of Guy, or Guido Fawkes, as he was also

known, when I was a youngster. A man born in the North of England, who after a military career fighting for Spain in the Eighty Years War, went on to become involved in a plot to blow up the House of Lords, and King James I of England and Scotland, in what was known as The Gunpowder Plot of 1605. I was in fact completely incorrect, and according to an American friend of mine all you need to know about Guy Fawkes Night can be learned from a fantastic piece of informative journalism from UK reality show “The Only Way is Essex”. In my reluctance to encourage anyone to watch the show, I am told I owe it to everyone to straighten up all of the facts of 5th November, as illustrated in this clip:

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By:      16:27      

Trick or trEat Your Heart Out


As a special halloween treat (or trick, depending on how you look at it) I would like to share with you some disgustingly amazing confectionery, as seen at “Eat Your Heart Out 2012″ in London viagra for raynaud’s recently. The event, hosted free viagra sample pack at St. Bart’s Pathology Museum showcases the best in UK based cake baking talent. “Fiendishly fun”, “Ghoolishly good”, “Gory goodies”, and other such halloween based treat puns just don’t do these confectionery items justice. Decorated to look like infected body parts and medical procedures, these are riteaid pharmacy epically detailed natural herbal viagra and lifelike, and [apparently] delicious…….although strangely I’m not feeling too hungry anymore!!

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By:      13:14      

“Virus detected, shutting down.”


Wifi names have often been the medium used to make “hilarious” statements or “rib-tickling jokes”, including such classic names as “Pretty Fly for a WiFi“, “Drop

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it like its Hotspot“, or the all-time great “FBI Surveillance Van“! Well according to a report by the BBC wifi names are increasingly being used to communicate passive-aggressive sentiments to neighbours anonymously. Taunts are also coming back, as can be seen in this exchange; “You’re music is annoying!” is followed by “Your grammar is more annoying!”. However the all time classic exchange has to be this one posted on Reddit:

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By:      13:51      




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KENZO “Watermarked” from Bunker Media on Vimeo.

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By:      13:41      

Watermarked by Kenzo Paris


From Opening Ceremony, NY. Ha ha! Fashion. Directed by Marco Roso Production and Styling: Lauren Boyle, Solomon Chase, David Toro Director of Photography: Ryan de Franco Post Producer: Ruy Sanchez

Blanco at Bunker Media Edit, Graphics, Color: Sam Maliszewski at Bunker Media Stock Music: Power Lunch 2

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By:      10:56      

nimbus cloud nine.


As a professional day dreamer, I have spent many hours staring at clouds and being intrigued by their way of triggering the mind of endless

imagination. I have once imagined that I create a room full of fluffy clouds in which I can sleep on or formulate a room full of various weather conditions! May I introduce you to Berndnaut Smilde, the photographer who made my imagination a reality by controlling the temperature and humidity of a room. Although the conditions in the room only allow them to be present temporarily, the formation of these clouds make it hard not to dismiss the science behind it all and just take in the beauty of the moment.

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By:      11:17